Donor gifts all graduates of Ohio high school free college tuition
SOURCE: Photos via Toledo Public Schools
Donor pay for tuition, fees, room and board
TOLEDO, Ohio—NBC WLWT5 A donor has gifted all graduates of an Ohio high school a free college education—paying for everything from tuition to room and board.
Officials with Toledo Public Schools say that all 108 seniors at Scott High School were surprised Wednesday morning with the news.
The students will not have to struggle with college debt, thanks to a massive donation from Pete Kadens.
Kadens pledged Wednesday to pay tuition, fees and room and board for any senior heading to a university or trade school. The announcement came during a school assembly attended by students and parents.
Kadens, who is originally from a Toledo suburb, was CEO of Green Thumb Industries, a multistate cannabis company. It was recently announced that Kadens—who now resides in Chicago—will retire at age 40.
Kadens has moved on to philanthropic work, starting an educational initiative called Helping Our Population Educate (HOPE) Toledo. It's an organization that is looking to provide more opportunities in Toledo's underserved schools.
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