The HOPE Toledo Promise Difference
Multigenerational education and community support are vital to the success of Toledo’s students, future workforce and a strong economy. Like HOPE Toledo Pre-K, HOPE Toledo Promise makes education the vehicle to improve opportunity.
HOPE Toledo Promise is a truly groundbreaking program as it’s the first fully funded, two-generation scholarship program in the United States.
“You cannot solve multigenerational problems with a single-generation approach. Success happens when parents, children and the community support each other’s efforts.”

The HOPE Promise Story
Toledo is home to 20,000 high school students.
Many Toledo residents cannot afford or do not know how to access affordable postsecondary education. If they do make it past those hurdles, they often don’t have the preparation and support needed to complete their program.
Fewer than 20% of Toledo adults have earned a postsecondary certificate or degree (U.S. Census Bureau, 2021).
The postsecondary enrollment rate for Toledo Public Schools (TPS) was less than 50% in 2019 (Ohio Department of Education)
Only 33% of TPS Jesup W. Scott High School graduates enrolled in college in 2019
Nearly 70% of job openings today require specific postsecondary job skill credentials or a two- or four-year college degree (
Toledo must increase the number of people with postsecondary credentials to compete in this world’s economy and provide increased opportunity and prosperity for our residents and our community. The sooner, the better.
The inaugural HOPE Toledo Promise Scholars were the 2020 graduates at Jesup W. Scott High School in Toledo, where students were among the most underestimated and disadvantaged in the Toledo Public School district.
HOPE Toledo Promise is a truly groundbreaking program as it’s the first fully funded, two-generation scholarship program in the United States.
This means the high school graduate, as well as one parent or guardian, can attend 4.5 years of university, community college or trade school for free, including tuition, room and board, books and fees. It also includes wraparound support services and coaching.
This first-of-its-kind model has increased success rates for students while providing the opportunity for overall economic mobility for entire families, as evidenced by recent Northwestern University studies. Learn more at
HOPE Toledo Promise is modeled after H.O.P.E Scott Promise, founded by Pete Kadens and the Kadens Family Foundation. Pete’s idea of HOPE, which stands for Helping our Population Educate, arose from his desire to see all students, regardless of background, receive equitable access to quality education.
HOPE Today
The first two-generation scholarship program of its kind
Today, there are over a hundred Toledo Scholars who are pursuing their dreams and seven who have already graduated from their programs.
Our Scholars are found in approximately 20 educational institutions around Ohio (primarily in theToledo region). Additionally, approximately 20% have a parent pursuing their dream as well.
HOPE Toledo Promise is working to develop additional opportunities for more Toledo high school graduates to pursue higher education.
Key Indicators of Success, based on Northwestern Implementation Studies
Jesup W. Scott High School has seen an approximate 70% increase in high school graduates enrolling in a postsecondary education program.
Cohort One (2020 high school graduation year) has seen a 43% persistence rate through two years of their postsecondary experience.
Cohort Two (2021 high school graduation year) has seen a 69% persistence rate after one year.
Get Involved
Helping students bridge the gap from high school to postsecondary education requires community assistance. Students need support to navigate the transition. Not only monetary support, but mentors who can help guide them on their way. HOPE Toledo is looking for volunteers who are willing to assist the students and families as they embark on new promising opportunities.
For more information on HOPE Toledo, to donate or volunteer, please reach out to