Frequently Asked Questions
What is the current status of the HOPE Toledo Promise Scholarship Program?
HOPE Toledo Promise is serving multiple cohorts at Scott High School. Due to funding constraints, we are not yet able to expand to more classes at this time. If more funding becomes available, we may be able to extend this opportunity to more students.
What are the qualifications for eligibility to receive the HOPE Toledo Promise Scholarship?
There are four qualifying factors which determine eligibility to receive the HOPE Toledo Promise Scholarship. 1) The student must be in the graduating Class of 2021, having enrolled prior to the beginning of the second semester. 2) The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 3) The student must graduate (complete requirements for graduation) by August 1, 2021. 4) The student must apply to, receive admittance and enroll in a qualifying postsecondary institution/program.
What are the qualifications for eligibility to receive the HOPE Toledo Promise Scholarship?
There are four qualifying factors which determine eligibility to receive the HOPE Toledo Promise Scholarship. 1) The student must be in the graduating Class of 2021, having enrolled prior to the beginning of the second semester. 2) The student must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 3) The student must graduate (complete requirements for graduation) by August 1, 2021. 4) The student must apply to, receive admittance and enroll in a qualifying postsecondary institution/program.
What does the HOPE Toledo Promise cover?
The HOPE Toledo Promise provides funds to cover the cost of attending a postsecondary program AFTER any/all eligible financial aid is applied (excluding loans). The funds from HOPE Toledo will be offered based upon the length of time the student has attended Scott High School (see the scale below)
Verified attendance of 4 years = 100% access to Promise scholarship funding
Verified attendance of 3 years = 75% access to Promise scholarship funding
Verified attendance of 2 years = 50% access to Promise scholarship funding
Verified attendance of 1 year = 25% access to Promise scholarship funding
How long does the HOPE Toledo Promise last?
The HOPE Toledo Promise provides funding for a period of 4 ½ years beginning in August 2021 with the Fall semester. Please note, this is a “running clock” which means the funding offered will end at the end of Fall Semester 2025
What school or program can I attend?
The HOPE Toledo Promise will fund publicly funded institutions and accredited programs in the State of Ohio. The Promise does not provide funds to attend “for-profit” institutions/programs. We have included as eligible schools: Eastern Michigan University, Lourdes University and Wilberforce University.
Where can I find an application for the HOPE Toledo Promise?
Any student seeking to participate in the HOPE Toledo Promise must complete an application. The application can be found on the HOPE Toledo website (www.hope-toledo.org). Please note, it is preferred to apply online. The application can also be found from your high school counselor. The hard copy (paper) application will need to be completed and returned via email or directly to the counselor’s office.
I am a junior at Scott and have enough credits to graduate early; can I apply for the HOPE Toledo Scholarship?
Unfortunately, you cannot. This scholarship, as it presently stands, is for graduating seniors who were enrolled and attending Scott High School on January 1, 2021.
I am a parent of a graduating senior and want to pursue a second bachelor’s degree; can I utilize the HOPE Toledo scholarship to do this?
Unfortunately, you cannot. The intent of this scholarship is to allow access for graduating Seniors to pursue post-secondary opportunities and for one parent or legal guardian of an eligible student to complete a post-secondary educational opportunity (4-year; 2-year; trade school; certificate) if they have previously been unable to do so.
I am a parent of a graduating senior, but they do not want to pursue post-secondary education; can I utilize the HOPE Toledo Promise scholarship?
Unfortunately, you cannot. The HOPE Toledo Promise is extended to the student graduating from Scott and based on their participation, the parent and legal guardian has access to participate.
Will deposits for on-campus housing be covered by HOPE Toledo?
HOPE Toledo will work with any eligible participant and school of choice to determine the best way to handle these fees.
Will application fees to colleges, universities or trade schools (post-secondary) be covered by HOPE Toledo?
HOPE Toledo will work with any eligible participant and school of choice to determine the best way to handle these fees. In many cases, we have seen schools waive the application fee.
I have been determined eligible for the HOPE Toledo Scholarship; will I be able to take classes in the summer?
We are thrilled by your excitement to get started. HOPE Toledo will evaluate each of these instances on a case-by-case basis and work with the participant and school of choice to determine what is most appropriate for successful completion.
What if I struggle in my first semester, do I need to maintain a specific GPA?
We understand the transition to postsecondary education will be difficult. We also understand the need to have measures of accountability in place. It is the expectation of HOPE Toledo Promise that each Scholar maintain a 2.0 GPA, which is what most programs establish as “satisfactory academic progress”.
Can I transfer into Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School now and get this amazing offer for free college?
Unfortunately, you cannot. Only seniors who were fully registered for classes at Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School prior to the beginning of the second semester are eligible. The senior class student being enrolled by this time is also an eligibility requirement for the parent/legal guardian who is eligible.
I’m the aunt of one of the graduating seniors at Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School. If his parents cannot use the free tuition, can I take advantage of it?
Unfortunately, you cannot. These funds are limited to only a parent or legal guardian and the school system will require proof of this relationship.
My children attend another Toledo Public High School. Can we have access to this same offer?
We would love NOTHING more. But we need funds to pull that off. Please direct everyone you can to our website at www.hope-toledo.org and click on DONATE and let’s work together to raise the funds to make this possible. Every dollar counts!
My daughter wants to go to college, but she hasn’t yet filled out the FAFSA forms to qualify for Pell grants. Is she going to be eligible?
The good news is there is still time, but your daughter needs to HUSTLE. Ideally, she needs to fully complete these forms in the next 30 days and submit them. TPS and counselors at Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School can assist with this so please ask for their assistance. She is not eligible if she does not fully complete and submit the FAFSA paperwork.
I’m a parent of a Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School senior (class of 2021). It’s looking like she/he may not graduate. Am I still eligible for these funds?
Let’s do EVERYTHING we can to get him to graduate. There are resources to assist. Please talk with your counselor and our team about this. Unfortunately, if your child doesn’t achieve eligibility, as a parent, you will not be eligible either. We want you working together to achieve this success.
I was planning on taking a year or two off before I go to college. Can I still take advantage of these funds?
You have access to these funds for 4.5 years from the time you graduate from Toledo Jesup W. Scott High School, which allows you to effectively take one semester off. Over and above that time limit, we cannot fund your costs. So, if you take a year off, which may be right for you, the good news is that your tuition, room/board, books and fees will still be covered for 3.5 years of a 4 -year college experience.