About HOPE Toledo
At HOPE Toledo, our mission is to support and ensure high-quality education—from preschool to postsecondary and trade school—for every young person in the city of Toledo, in order to create generational economic change for the betterment of our families and community.
Originally concepted as H.O.P.E. or Helping Our Population Educate, the idea arose from the desire to see all students, across all communities, neighborhoods and families, receive equitable access to quality education.
HOPE Toledo is now a 501(c) 3 organization established to help our children obtain high-quality early childhood education through HOPE Toledo Pre-K and postsecondary training in college or trade schools through HOPE Toledo Promise.
In conjunction with Toledo Public Schools, Washington Local Schools, early childhood education providers, and many other educators and service organizations in our community, HOPE Toledo Pre-K will help improve school readiness outcomes and subsequent school performance. Simply put, more of our children will enter kindergarten ready to learn.
HOPE Toledo Promise builds on the foundation of the Jesup W. Scott High School Promise, piloted and launched by the Kadens Family Foundation.
For more information, reach out to info@hope-toledo.org.
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