HOPE Toledo’s John Jones Selected for National Leadership Program
The Kresge Foundation Launches Thrive Leaders Network
Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 15, 2022 — HOPE Toledo is proud to announce that its president and CEO, Rev. John C. Jones, was selected for the Kresge Foundation’s national leadership program, Thrive Leaders Network.
The Thrive Leaders Network was the result of a survey conducted on the effects of the pandemic specifically on Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) leaders. The Network chose 40 leaders of color who are actively working to improve racial equity in higher education. These leaders will collectively receive $500,000 of unrestricted stipends to support well-being activities and professional development.
“I’ve witnessed how these leaders are deeply committed to delivering for their staff and the communities they serve during this pandemic. Unfortunately and unsurprisingly, there’s a very real cost to the unimaginable level of work these leaders have sustained, and this manifests as exhaustion, burnout or near burnout and mental health challenges,” said Aditi Goel, founder of P16 Partners, who conducted the original survey and serves as the program’s facilitator. “We believe that Thrive’s unrestricted awards and the programming for leaders’ wellbeing can play a critical role in helping ensure that leaders can continue to execute at high levels in a far more sustainable way.”
“Leaders of nonprofit organizations, now more than ever, need to effectively lead but also must juggle how to strategically navigate remote work, fundraising, staffing issues, and diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts,” said Wendi Huntley, board chair of HOPE Toledo. “We are so proud of John, and thrilled that he has been selected to engage with a program of national peers to effect change here in Toledo with our two-generation HOPE Toledo Promise Program.”
Each leader will have the opportunity to use his or her unrestricted stipend to pay for their current executive coach if they have one or receive support to identify and pay for a coach if they want one. Funds can also be used to subsidize wellness and professional development experiences like fellowships, and travel to conferences or other efforts that support their mental health or growth.
For more information about the Kresge Foundation’s Thrive Leaders Network, please visit kresge.org.
For more information on HOPE Toledo, contact John C. Jones at john@hope-toledo.org.