Hope Toledo

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A Q&A On The Importance of Wraparound Supports In the Success of Promise Students

by Gentry Willis, Success Coach and Program Manager at the University of Toledo Center for Racial Equity and Black Student Excellence

Why is it critically important to stay connected with our Promise Scholars?

Developing a sense of belonging and connection to faculty, staff and fellow students is vital for our HOPE Toledo Scholars to be successful at the University of Toledo. The Center for Racial Equity and Black Student Excellence fosters a campus environment where HOPE Scholars feel valued, supported, and equipped.

Why is it so important to begin this process early?

Early engagement with The Center helps HOPE Scholars build a solid foundation as they begin their academic journey. We want students to feel connected to campus, identify opportunities for campus engagement and learn how to use academic and support resources.

How do you go about building relationships with HOPE Scholars?

We provide high-quality programs and services to help our HOPE Scholars persist through their degree program. Our staff concentrates on the often unique concerns that arise from both individuals and the collective academic experiences of African American students on a predominately white campus. We use data-driven, high-impact practices to understand and improve policies and practices that will lead to academic success.

We also encourage our students to develop a relationship with their success coach and to meet with them on a regular basis. We work closely with success coaches to ensure our students’ academic success as well as social/emotional wellness.

How does this office support student success?

As a unit of the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the purpose of The Center for Racial Equity and Black Student Excellence is to:

(1) collaborate with campus and community partners to transform systems and develop programs to increase the number of African American University of Toledo graduates.

(2) Enhance educational experiences for African American students by fostering a campus culture where students of color feel valued, supported, and equipped to reach their full potential.

6. How do HOPE Scholars benefit from spending time at the Center for Racial Equity and Black Student Excellence?

The Center for Racial Equity and Black Student Excellence plays a significant role in student success at the University of Toledo. The Center’s work focuses on three major areas:

(1) Pre-college opportunities for rising and graduating seniors planning to attend The University of Toledo.

(2) College transition programming to increase the students' sense of belonging and success for first-year students.

(3) Intrusive academic case management for students of color in the first and second year of college.

Can you share some of the partnerships and programming that your office has to ensure scholar belonging?

Some of our collaborative partnerships include:

  • Center for Success Coaching

  • Africana Studies Program

  • TRIO Student Support Services

  • The University of Toledo Counseling Center

  • Career Services

  • UToledo Student Employment

  • Office of Multicultural Student Success (OMSS)

  • UToledo Department of Social Work

  • UToledo Learning Enhancement Center (LEC)

  • The College of Arts and Letters